Share money-making apps you use.


lujoseph6 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:37 pm

There's an app called Quick Thoughts on the App Store and Play Store, where they pay you 2 dollars to take surveys. They disqualify you often and sometimes it can get very annoying, but if you're persistent, you can easily earn an extra 30 dollars in one week taking these surveys. I've noticed that if you use consistent info throughout all the surveys, they offer you more so :D

PaddiM8 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:14 pm

The surveys are actually a bit easier than normal surveys, but it's hard to get qualified :( And they only pay in iTunes gift cards from what I've seen.

Drite037 » Tue Jun 28, 2016 10:16 pm

Ahh, iTunes gift card wouldn't be my first option for a gift card. But by disqualifying, you mean it takes you to the end of the survey and disqualifies you, or cuts you off at the start?

kal30314 » Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:30 pm

I have QuickThoughts App on my Kindle Fire Tablet it offer me different amount that if I qualify for the survey. If I don't sometime they will offer $0.10. I have cash out a few time with this App but it tend to get buggy sometime but when this happen I just send them an email. The App let me cash out @ $10 and I only have one option that an Amazon gift card, this is cool with me because I am always shopping at Amazon.