multiple ip to duplicate farm
I have been thinking of getting an verizon FIOS connection also with my spectrum so that i can have another full strength connection to be able to duplicate my duplicate my passive farm on another connection to earn twice as much with out violating companies TOS . . Im thinking the benefits are that every single app that only allows you me account per household, or any limitation at all. I will be able to double up on everything. Imagine. if you are able to bring in 600 dollars a month with your farm. and your cable/internet costs 100$. as long as you can get another companies connection also alongside your existing (ive been very careful with my wording so far. their should be no confusion. not two of the same companies connection. But two DIFFERENT companies.) then theoritically now you can bring in another 600 for the cost of the new connection every month.
HAS anyone tried this?
thank you all,
HAS anyone tried this?
thank you all,
Think bout dualband cheap used wifi router $15 on eBay... Set up at close neighbor and login from your home for new location I am using neighbor on each side and three neighbors cross street... Reset twice per day takes less than 30sec per pc... 60pcs
Is only 30 mins Good luck but warning whining and being lazy is just as bad as stupid and I will no longer answer those q's either... Lived thru hurr irma no damage but no electr for three days glad to be back....
Is only 30 mins Good luck but warning whining and being lazy is just as bad as stupid and I will no longer answer those q's either... Lived thru hurr irma no damage but no electr for three days glad to be back....
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