Share money-making apps you use.


Hollo10 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:09 pm

I found this on Reddit regarding Applike,
Would like to post a warning to people wanting to run apps on AppLike constantly. I read that AppLike would stop paying out if you abuse the app but I thought I'd give it a try. I was able to make about £14.50 in two week using the app and the payouts were quick so I ignored the warnings I had read on this sub. But then the other day I requested a payout of £2 which stayed pending for a couple days in the meantime I earned another £2 and decided to cash that out. Upon requesting that cash out my account was locked. On starting the app it says the app is unable to run on my device. I was unsure if this was because of my account or because of the app but I checked on another phone I have and it was my account. But then I receive a notification from PayPal saying that I had been payed by AppLike. Instead of being payed the £4 that was in pending they sent me '€0.01' Euro. So take this as a warning. It's a quick earner while it lasts. TL;DR - AppLike is good for awhile and then they'll troll you and send you only '€0.01' upon cash out.
Hope this helps for those who are only receiving minimum points

Hollo10 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:01 pm

Don't use them app 24/7

valeram1 » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:45 am

I just started using it and I got banned because of "Suspicious Behavior" but I was simply playing the games as normal and now I can not use the app on my phone. I tried changing the email but nothing works.

PaulvB » Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:13 pm

I used it a bit and cashed out 10 dollars a few months ago and these are the reasons I stopped using it.

1: They gave me less 4/3 star apps.
2: The points that you received from apps was low at some point, before like 5 minutes for 220 points and now 5 minutes for 15 points.
3: They didn't cashout my friend (it was his first cashout). So I though they wouldn't give me money.

Do you think there's any chance they will cash me out? I still have 65000 points on Applike, should I start using it again? And can you link me the subreddit?

dhertz777 » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:15 am

Same here, I found that once you start getting "too many" points the just cut you off and you get nothing.

PaulvB » Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:31 pm

Hmm, I cashed out my 5$ and they send me 1 cent instantly, but the next morning I received the 5$ :)