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Esporttv Glitch

Thebeermoneyman » Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:10 pm

Did anbody use esportstv last night? When I fired it up it would try for about 2 seconds to load the video, award me points, and repeat the same thing again. I was getting up to 12 points sometimes. I only let it happen a few times but it was doing it on 4 different phones. Just curious.

KeysUnlocked » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:37 pm

That happens often, no clue why, but its nothing major, But 12 points is quite a bit for 1 ad. Kind of the same thing that was happening to me last night.

Tekprincezz » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:44 pm

I know it starts to happen it loads up and I get end of result of 1 up to 3 points of a video and it's very weird.

Antoine.C » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:18 pm

It is happening to me everyday, I hope it will continue !

KeysUnlocked » Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:12 pm

It is happening to me everyday, I hope it will continue !
I saw on a review of the app that not watching videos can get you banned. I think it was joes but idk.

christophervinn » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:06 am

Glitch has been happening for over a week. Fast point earner, but be careful abusing it - don't think a few extra cents is worth being banned.

KeysUnlocked » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:17 pm

Glitch has been happening for over a week. Fast point earner, but be careful abusing it - don't think a few extra cents is worth being banned.
No longer working for me, but yes you can get banned very easily.