Earn $.03 Per Action
YES that's right, $.03 per action. All you have to do is solve their really easy puzzles (the types you used to do when you were young)!
Do you want access to this Android app? Message me and it shall be delivered
Number of referrals are limited so first come, first served!
Do you want access to this Android app? Message me and it shall be delivered
Number of referrals are limited so first come, first served!
When you sign up use my referral code 4b4e6b to receive your $1 Bonus
Also, if you don't mind, please pm me your email address (I will not spam you or bug you, this is only to verify that you are real). At most, all I'll say is thank you for downloading the app and I'll delete your email.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... layandearn
Also, if you don't mind, please pm me your email address (I will not spam you or bug you, this is only to verify that you are real). At most, all I'll say is thank you for downloading the app and I'll delete your email.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... layandearn
My email is hollo9747@gmail.com
Please don't spam
Please don't spam
Once you sign up, you'll be shown a screen with multiple levels, tap one that you are able to do, solve the puzzle within 30 seconds, once solved you'll be shown an ad which you have to click on to go to the next level. I was able to get $.30 in 10min.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Here's new link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... layandearn
Make sure to use my code to receive an extra dollar 4b4e6b
Make sure to use my code to receive an extra dollar 4b4e6b
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