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perk ban for nothing

mar » Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:45 am

I have my perk account banned today.
Help me have a look and see how did it happened please.

I have :
5 devices
1 account
Have not done any referrals
have not use a proxy IP address/VPN
have not use any Ad-Blocking software or applications
have not use Fast-Forward software or applications
have not use virtual machines (VM) such as BlueStacks, VirtualBox, VMware, etc
using perk tv in UK
have not creating a hack or cyborg to exploit any Perk apps or products.

One thing i use us repeat touch so that i dont have to tap yes after every 3 hrs or so.
Does this count as hack and perk can detect this?

I have used this repeat touch method to run for 12 hrs everyday.
Perk tv have only run 12 hrs everyday.
And i have redeem 2x £10 successfully using repeat touch.
So i was thinking if repeat touch is something they detect and banned me with then how come i manage to redeem twice and banned me during my 3rd redeem?

Next thing i want to ask is if i reboot my router for a new ip address and using new unused perk tv device.
Will that bypass the banned? so i can start again with new accounts?

Thanks very much for helping.

MoneyMasterFU » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:07 pm

Damn bro that sucks, guess you will have to try grocery bagging instead now.

Sss22066 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:32 am

Welcome to the " banned by perk club" if you beg and grovel they will steal your points tokens and self respect but will unlock your account in 5 to 8 weeks... Yeah it sucks...

Grimreaper » Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:39 pm

Repeat touch is a hack and violates TOS.

Akumaky » Wed Jan 18, 2017 6:20 pm

Perk bans almost all new accounts now. Email them. they will ask for ID. Send it. If your info matches, they'll most likely reopen your account. But, you did hack, so that may not be the case. don't admit to hacking.. just tell them you're not sure whats going on.

mar » Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:26 am

Thanks everyone. They have response me with issue of more than one account in household and require id proof. Funny i have double checked with my family that only one account is used in the household. Anyway i will keep the repeat touch away from the app for now and hope they will reopen my account.

Katherine » Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:05 pm

Omg they should just get rid of that stupid are you watching thing.