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In need of some advice from you experts

snarf1012 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:52 am

I have a phone farm of about 15 phones. I'm busy and not home frequently. I'm currently running 7 on adfun (garbage app, but i'm so close to cashout that I'm going to do that and then stop). Other 7 phones on RTV, that works pretty well for me and i'm satisfied, that app runs for days with no issues.
I understand app pay consistency and reliability fluctuates greatly but what would you advise I switch my 7 phones to once I cash out adfun. I was planning on just using checkpoints but the earning rate in the past for me has been relatively terrible (like many apps seem to be these days). Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions other than checkpoints keeping in mind that my main requirement is consistent, reliable, and PASSIVE (as i'm not home a lot to babysit.)
Thanks for the tips I appreciate it. I have 1 tablet that I run swagbucks apps on, and 1 device that I run inbox TV on.
If there is an app that runs for days that pays slightly better than checkpoints that I am just not aware of I would appreciate any input or suggestions.
Thanks I appreciate it!

Akumaky » Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:57 pm

If you have your heart set on ditching AdFun, you could try YoLotto. runs about as passively as Rewadable TV for me.

rayplace » Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:54 pm

Your having success with rewardable tv? i found this app through watching the tech slug and this app is terrible
to start i have not been paid as of yet this is my 2nd redeem and still no funds and support is a JOKE i have been emailing over and over no response back its been weeks now, i also am looking for more passive apps if any suggestion please advise, Yolotto app just sits and does circles over and over with no earnings at all i decided to just drop it be.

Akumaky » Sat Jan 28, 2017 1:18 am

Yes I am having success with Rewardable TV. Yes I get paid.

rayplace » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:01 am

well i guess your lucky because i have not gotten paid and still can't log in

Akumaky » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:19 am

If you can't login you were banned because you spammed them with complaints. They're know to do that. If that happened, what a shame. $100 - $120 per month running RTV on a handful of phones is awesome. They take a while to pay, but I just wait. It'll come. Plus, RTV is one of the apps I never have to babysit. Ever.

rayplace » Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:00 am

Spam them? I only contacted them twice and never received any response back that is not the case anymore anyway i just tried to log back in again an "WOLLA" back in as i suspected they must of been having server issues but i still have not been paid yet so why would i keep it going for nothing and i do have to baby sit it because every so often the app does nothing but spin circles so i have to clean my cache then restart to continue to earn correctly the tech slug teaches that. But no worries i have several app at the moment which pays me well on 26 phones.

Akumaky » Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:26 am

to start i have not been paid as of yet this is my 2nd redeem
You cannot have two redeems at once with them. When you are awaiting payment you cannot submit for additional payments. They don't allow it.
i have been emailing over and over no response back
Spam them? I only contacted them twice
Your contradictions leave me confused. I'm sorry. I have no advice to offer.
can't log in
just tried to log back in again an "WOLLA" back in
why would i keep it going for nothing
I have no idea how to help you. Sorry.

rayplace » Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:47 am

Your not understanding at all what i am saying, yes please just leave it alone. Like i said i have not been paid from my first redeem which was long ago and now its time to redeem again i don't know how you find that to be so confusing when it began to happen to you then you will know what i am saying is true. MAY GOD BLESS.

Akumaky » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:27 am

Your not understanding at all what i am saying, yes please just leave it alone. Like i said i have not been paid from my first redeem which was long ago and now its time to redeem again i don't know how you find that to be so confusing when it began to happen to you then you will know what i am saying is true. MAY GOD BLESS.

dont worry about that, that's normal. I pass the $10 minumum easily before I get paid from my last redeem. Getting to $30 or more is totally normal for me. RTV does not have a fast turn around time. If that is of importance to you I would agree that this app would not fit your requirements.